The use of preparations of Xylopia aethiopica
The use of preparations of Xylopia aethiopica, Piper guineense, Piper nigrum and Murraya Koenigii in post-partum treatment and restorative soup after child birth is certainly of more value than as a mere seasoning or flavouring agent. However a total of 23 plant species and condiments are successfully used to beat the cold. The botanical name of the plants and its common names, parts used, ailment cured and method of its preparation and treatments.42 per cent}.33 per cent}, potassium {2. The etnomedicinal aspects of plants used as spices and condiments found plant species to have varying therapeutic application communities. tripetala contained crude protein {15. It has a calorific value of 480. AS the rains and winter gather momentum, the weather will become bitterly cold, giving rise to cold-related ailments like cough and catarrh, among others. The spices include: Pepper fruit; African pepper; Scent leaf; Thyme; Onion; Garlic; Nutmeg; B, pepper; Black pepper; Wild pepper; Curry lea...