A study in the July 2006 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Spices (I include culinary herbs in this context) are still somewhat unrecognized as a source of a huge number of vital nutrients.The following is a brief summary of the most important spices for anxiety, depression and stress:Saffron - For centuries, saffron has been used to treat depression in traditional Persian medical systems.There is not enough space here to elaborate on the general benefits of spices to our health. Apart from their delicious flavors and metabolism-boosting effects, all spices have extremely valuable health enhancing properties. The wider the selection of spices that you take every day, the more health benefits you can expect to gain from these amazing super-foods.
An important bonus was that no side effects were observed in the patients taking saffron. Endorphins, in turn, stimulate the release of the brain chemical, dopamine which in turn acts as a mood elevator and relieves depression. It has been known for several years that compounds in this spice work by inhibiting cholinesterase, an enzyme that is intimately involved in the transmission of signals across nerve synapses.Therefore preventing or treating these related conditions by eating antioxidant-rich foods like spices, will also help to reduce the incidence and severity of these conditions.Sage - A double blind placebo controlled trial has shown that sage reduces anxiety and elevates mood.Apart from their general benefits to health specific spices such as saffron, sage, chillies and cardamom do have positive benefits on a number of neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress.That warm feeling you get after you have eaten a very Food Flavor spicy meal is not only a result of the heating effects of chilies and other spices.Use lots of different spices Spices tend to work more effectively when taken in combination with one another. In both these trials saffron was found to be at least as effective as the two modern drugs.The first of these was a double-blind placebo controlled trial where patients with depression were given 30mg of saffron extract daily for six weeks. By the end of this period depression in the treatment group had improved by a far greater extent than the placebo group. Not many people know that they are the best source of antioxidants of all food groups.
However it is worth noting that all chronic degenerative diseases are associated with free radical damage and an increased incidence of anxiety, stress and depression. Moreover, when our bodies are in a malnourished or diseased state we find it a lot more difficult to deal with emotional stress than when we are well nourished and physically healthy.Recently several clinical trials have shown that this yellow spice is indeed as effective as many of our current anti-depressant drugs in treating mild to moderate depression. What it more, sage has the added benefit of improving memory.What has this got to do with stress you may ask?The answer is that, while all culinary herbs and spices provide health benefits, a select few have also been shown to act directly on the brain and nervous system to relieve stress and neurological disorders. Many modern antidepressant drugs also work by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain.
A study in the July 2006 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that clove, oregano, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon had the highest antioxidant activity of ALL FOODS, including antioxidant-rich fruits such as blueberries.Spices can boost both your physical and mental wellbeing and in so doing provide you with a valuable foundation in your efforts to mitigate the many stressors that impact on your daily lives.Chilies - Chilies also have mood elevating effects.'Stress' as used in a colloquial context is usually a result of our maladaptation to the physical and emotional pressures of everyday life.In two other clinical trials depressed patients taking saffron were compared to those taking two commonly prescribed anti-depressant drugs, imipramine and fluexitine (Prozac).Antioxidants are needed by our bodies to counter the free radical damage that underlies most common degenerative diseases. They work by stimulating a specific type of pain receptor (called TRPV1) on sensory nerve endings. When these nerves are stimulated they signal the brain to release chemicals called endorphins..Cardamom - Cardamom has been used by traditional Ayurvedic practitioners to treat depression in India for thousands of years. Although there are no clinical trials to back up the use of this spice to treat depression there are biochemical reasons that indicate why it is effective.


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